Kick-off of Work package 5

Kick-off of Work package 5

GEXTRECS partners have kicked-off work package 5 “Demonstrations Preparation, Execution and Assessment” which will verify the acceptance and performance of GEXTRECS innovations
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Kick-off of Work package 4

Kick-off of Work package 4

GEXTRECS partners have kicked-off work package 4 “Ground Segment Engineering and Synergies with Space Programme Components” which will prototype innovative technological components
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GOVSATCOM stands for the European Union Governmental Satellite Communications programme which aims to provide secure, resilient and cost-efficient satellite communications capabilities to
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Kick-off of Work package 3

Kick-off of Work package 3

GEXTRECS partners have kicked-off Work package 3 “Crisis Management Service Pack System, Security Engineering and Standardisation Issues” which will prototype an integrated
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Kick-off of Work package

Kick-off of Work package

GEXTRECS partners have kicked-off Work package 2 “End-Users Detailed Requirements and High Level Service Architecture” which will refine requirements and needs from
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